Wine industry continues to transform in post-apartheid South Africa

Thursday, 29 April, 2004
Challiss McDonough
'South Africa presents more opportunity than we have had in the last 100 years, and you embrace it.'
(With thanks to Voice of America)

In the 10 years since the end of apartheid, South Africa's wine industry has begun to build a good international reputation, and wine has become one of the country's flagship products. But the wine business is still one of the least integrated in the country.

SAWIT director Gavin Pieterse says the South African wine industry has traditionally been hostile to blacks.

'It is one sector that has enormous baggage. The old primary production practices and the way people produced the product under apartheid has left a legacy of disempowerment second to none,' he said.

'It is not by accident that we have the incredibly high levels of functional illiteracy among farm workers [and] alcohol abuse. So over and above the skewed ownership patterns, from a racial point of view, there's that particular legacy.'

Correspondent Challiss McDonough has more from the town of Stellenbosch, in South Africa's wine heartland

To read Challiss' article in full, please visit:

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