South African wine producers invited to uncover key consumer insights with free vernacular report

Monday, 18 December, 2023
The Great Big Wine Survey releases a report delving into consumer preferences based on home language, sponsored by Die MOS-Inisiatief.

In an effort to further understand and cater to South African wine consumers, Die MOS-Inisiatief proudly sponsored a consumer report available for download. The report delves into consumer preferences based on home language, shedding light on crucial insights for the industry.

The report was compiled by the Great Big Wine Survey. In this study, 7 500 consumers shared their thoughts on the wine category, preferences, and behaviour. The data is backed by a case study by Die MOS-Inisiatief in which they developed wines specifically for an Afrikaans audience, matching their consumer audience. Under the brand name Dis MOS Wyn, they released two wine ranges: "Geen Haas" and "Ware Jakob".

Data highlights the pivotal role language inclusivity plays in effective marketing strategies within the wine industry. The noticeable decline in Afrikaans-speaking consumers engaging with and entering the wine category is particularly concerning, signaling a potential shift in market dynamics.

Key findings from this report emphasize the necessity for wine producers to embrace language diversity in their marketing approaches, recognizing the significance of linguistic nuances in engaging with diverse consumer segments. The report allow wine producers to gain a more nuanced understanding of individual language-based consumer behaviours and preferences.

The Vernacular Report is available in Afrikaans and English.

Wine producers and marketers are encouraged to visit Great Big Wine Survey's website to access the free Vernacular Report and uncover invaluable insights into consumer behavior within different linguistic groups.

Click HERE to download the report.

For more information, language-specific deep-dive reports, or consumer insights, please contact Xania van der Merwe via

Meer oor Die MOS-Inisiatief

Die naam Die MOS-Inisiatief verwys na die Moedertaal in Onafhanklike Skole-beweging. Die MOS-Inisiatief is ’n privaat maatskappy wat deur die Trust vir Afrikaanse Onderwys (TAO) gestig is met die doel om ’n Afrikaanse skolenetwerk daar te stel om uitmuntende onderrig in Afrikaans te verseker en uit te bou.

MOS skep 'n netwerk van volhoubare, enkelmedium, onafhanklike Afrikaanse skole wat regoor Suid-Afrika bedryf sal word – oop vir almal, bekostigbaar en met hoë standaarde en innoverende leer. Hierdie skole sal preprimêre, primêre, en sekondêre fases insluit. MOS se fokus lê dus dáár waar voldoende Afrikaanse skole met kwaliteit onderrig ontbreek.

About Great Big Wine Survey

The Great Big Wine Survey is a hub for insights on South African wine consumers, where insight reports reflect the feedback of 35000 consumers. Reports are compiled by a community of academics, researchers, wine enthusiasts, and connoisseurs who share a passion for the art of wine and behavioural science while supporting wine producers and marketers with relevant consumer data.

The annual Great Big Wine Survey gathers data from South African wine consumers on various topics, allowing us to provide the wine industry with consumer-centric marketing-driven insights.