The adage that we are stronger together very much applies to the decision to bring the tourism and wine sides of Stellenbosch together under one organisational and promotional body – Visit Stellenbosch. Richard Siddle examines how it potentially provides the perfect platform on which to tell the many stories of Stellenbosch through the prism of its wineries, vineyards and winemakers and the spectacular scenery and tourism experiences they offer.
“Stellenbosch is so big and diverse we have to approach the marketing and promotion of the region and wine farms in a holistic matter but with well-structured focus points. By us all working together we can truly be a powerful force.”
That’s the clear message from Elmarie Rabe, general manager of Stellenbosch Wine Routes, as she reflects on the new combined wine and tourism approach that Stellenbosch now has. Stellenbosch Wine Routes was a founding members of the newly created tourism body, Visit Stellenbosch and this is the first time in Stellenbosch’s long history its wine and tourism sectors have worked as one for a common goal.
Such a move is perhaps long overdue when you consider tourism, or wine tourism in the case of Stellenbosch, as this sector’s contribution to GDP is significant and the Stellenbosch Winelands is the second biggest visited area in the Western Cape, after Cape Town.
Crucially most of this tourism boom is at the premium end of the market and being supported by the large number of foreign investors that have come into the region over the last decade, buying up prestige wine properties and looking to offer a high quality tourism packages as well as award winning wines.
“Stellenbosch is proven to offer excellent investment potential and the reputation of the region’s wines, certainly goes a long way to position Stellenbosch They would not be coming here if they did not see it as a premium wine region,” says Rabe.
Stellenbosch Wines Routes member, Ross Sleet and managing director of Rascallion Wines, says of the changes being made: “In the past lots of wine farms did tourism, but not to a very high level. Now it’s completely different. We are now seeing professional wine tourism, where you need a quality wine set up, but you also need quality tourism and the food offer to go with it. That is now very important in the region.”
“Wine tourism has improved immensely,” adds Rabe, particularly in terms of the number of farms now offering a culinary experiences and quality accommodation, alongside the traditional cellar door and wine tour operations.
Jeanneret Momberg, who heads up Visit Stellenbosch as its chief executive, is delighted, but not surprised, the new united body has been able to make such an impact in only a short period of time. She is ideally placed to make her mark having previously been deputy chair of Stellenbosch Wine Routes.
“It just makes complete sense for us to be working like this – and it’s operating brilliantly. Wine is the main reason people come to Stellenbosch, and now we are able to collectively offer them a first class tourism and hospitality experience too. We have such a powerful message.”
Lockdown investments
The prolonged lockdowns over the last two years have also given farms the space to upgrade their properties and put in place better tourism facilities. Time and again producers talk of the “rebirth” that has taken place in the region as so many businesses have been re-imagined to ensure they are not left behind.
The recently re-launched Blaauwklippen estate is a classic example of the level of investment that is going into Stellenbosch. One of the region’s oldest farms, dating back to 1682, it was bought in 2018 by a consortium of South African investors who have spent the last four years upscaling every aspect of its business. It now attracts thousands of visitors every weekend to enjoy picnics and lunches and walks in its extensive, beautiful grounds.
Click HERE to read the full article.
This is the third article from the special Stellenbosch Business Report published by The Buyer for the Stellenbosch Wine Routes that examines all the latest trends and shares the key insights from this still innovating, influential wine region.
Click HERE to download the full report.