Pebbles Project good news stories: Rita’s beautiful smile

Friday, 15 April, 2022
Pebbles Project
As part of our #wineforgood month, we're sharing good news stories of Pebbles Project changing lives. Today we share Rita's story.

Pebbles Project is a non-profit organisation in Stellenbosch that enriches the lives of disadvantaged farm children and families through education. Operating throughout the Western Cape, they have changed the lives of many vulnerable people. One of these people is Rita. Read her story:

A Pebbles Project teacher at the Pebbles Academy noticed that something was the matter with Rita; she was very quiet in class and did not socialise with the other learners. Her teacher soon discovered that Rita was in severe pain because she was suffering from toothache.

Pebbles arranged for a dental surgeon to visit the Pebbles Academy to assist Rita. The dental surgeon had to extract all of Rita’s front teeth as well as some of her molars due to severe decay. The dental surgeon explained to Rita why it was necessary to extract her teeth and that if an infection were to occur it can be dangerous to her health. Removing the decayed portion of her teeth and then "filling" the teeth was unfortunately not an option due to the severity of the problem. If Rita’s teeth were not extracted, it could lead to sepsis or even a life-threatening condition like meningitis.

Rita’s teacher held Rita's hand throughout the entire procedure and made sure Rita felt safe and comforted. The Pebbles staff did everything they could to accommodate Rita. For example, they used a blender to prepare all of her meals.

The Pebbles Project arranged for a dentist to visit the Pebbles Academy to implement a brushing programme to ensure learners brush their teeth regularly and practice good dental hygiene.

The Pebbles Project Dental Initiative provides toothbrushes and toothpaste to all learners as well as preventative treatments to beneficiaries like Rita to prevent the early onset of dental caries and oral diseases and to promote awareness of oral hygiene.

Rita’s teeth have grown back beautifully. Rita has never been happier to show off her new, healthy and beautiful smile. Rita’s new smile has had a positive impact on her self-esteem. She is all smiles, a confident young girl who inspires everyone with her vivacious spirit and bubbly personality.

*Please note the name of the beneficiary has been changed in order to protect her identity.

There are plenty of good news stories about upliftment and transformation in the South African Wine Industry. The #wineforgood website, launched by in June 2016, hosts all the positive stories from the winelands, of which there are plenty. has made April a focus for #wineforgood stories. Share them far and wide and spread the good news about South African wine.