An Unexpectedly Good Year - Painted Wolf Wines

Monday, 14 December, 2020
Painted Wolf Wines
At Painted Wolf Wines the two components of our name receive an equal share of our attention - we make delicious wines in order to raise money for African wild dog (painted wolf) conservation.

And against all the odds, thanks to our enthusiastically conservation- and wine-focused customers, what a year it has been for our fundraising efforts. On top of the funds we raised earlier in the year through generous orders received during lockdown, we are delighted to announce that in November we handed over a further R86,000 to the Endangered Wildlife Trust. 

Even more amazing is that more than R9,000 of this was raised through extra donations given by customers. For online orders we added the option to make a donation over and above that already included in the purchase price, and you really did rise to the challenge!

Those extra few Rands have made a big difference to the support we are able to give to the EWT, so thank you so much for your generosity. This money will be used for the Wild Dog Range Expansion Project, which aims to reverse the decline of painted wolves by actively increasing their populations and range throughout southern Africa.

Meanwhile, UK sales have been outstanding this year and as a result we have just handed over almost £6,000 (R123,000) to the Tusk Trust. These funds will be used for painted wolf conservation in Botswana and Zimbabwe and will be split between the Botswana Predator Conservation Trust, Painted Dog Conservation and the African Wildlife Conservation Fund. We would like to say a huge thank you to our distributor in the UK, North South Wines, and of course to our loyal UK customers. Every bottle of wine you buy really does help us to make a difference!

And so we are overjoyed to be finishing this year on a high note and our little pack is full of energy and hope for the future of our two favourite things - South African wine and painted wolves.