CellarDirect - your direct to consumer sales channel

Tuesday, 5 November, 2019
Kevin Kidson
CellarDirect is a new direct to consumer (DTC) service from wine.co.za that allows producers to build a direct channel, including powerful marketing, customer relationship management & re-targeting capabilities.

With CellarDirect, wine producers can easily build and maintain direct relations with both consumers and trade within South Africa.

Starting with online marketing functionality, CellarDirect will allow you to attract the right customers to your wine club using SEO, Google Ads, Google shop, Facebook and Twitter. And of course in your tasting room, and at events & tastings.

Then sell your wine to them in a secure online environment.

All backed by wine.co.za’s logistics system which will ensure your customer is well looked after throughout the entire sales process.

Then build that relationship with a very powerful mail list management system that will allow you to drive repeat sales.

For more information please contact Kevin Kidson – kevin@wine.co.za or Judy Brower – judy@wine.co.za - or call us on 021 851 2737

Take a look at two of our existing shops – Painted Wolf and Stellenrust

Your simple, reliable, efficient direct sales channel

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CellarDirect  from wine.co.za
CellarDirect from wine.co.za

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