Hurry with applications for registration as manufacturers and distributors

Monday, 19 November, 2012
Danie Cronje
Proposed Amendments to the regulations national Liquor Act which governs the large scale manufacturing and distribution of liquor will be published in the Government Gazette at the end of November.
The proposed amendments were published for public comment earlier in the year and Department of Trade and Industry confirmed that the amended regulations will be published in the Government Gazette by the end of November.
According to Danie Cronjé, the Director of Liquor Law Services at Cluver Markotter Incorporated, businesses who wish to apply for registrations as manufacturers or distributors of liquor should submit their applications before the amended regulations are bought into operation.
If the proposed amendments regarding requirements for applications for new registrations have been retained the application process will become more onerous.
The new requirements include submitting a of zoning certificate, colour photos, floor plans of the proposed premises and a tax clearance certificate.
Currently these are not requirements for purposes of an application for a new registration.