The notices will be sent to licence holders during October. License holders need to pay the renewal fees before 31 December to avoid the penalties which will have to be paid if a licence is renewed in January or February 2012 or the lapsing of the licence if it is not renewed before 28 February 2012. According to Danie Cronjé, the Director of Liquor Law Services at Cluver Markotter Incorporated, it is likely that many licence holders will not receive renewal notices as last year was the first year in which renewal fees were paid directly into the Liquor Board’s bank account. From enquiries made during the year to date it appears that not all payments have been captured by the Liquor Board. If the Board is not aware that a licence has been renewed it will not issue a renewal notice. In terms of the Liquor Act it remains the responsibility of the licence holder to renew the licence even if the Liquor Board fails to send out a renewal notice. If a licence has lapsed due to the failure to renew for 2011, Cronjé recommends that the licence holder take the necessary steps to apply for a new licence as soon as possible. Once the Western Cape Liquor Act comes into operation in April 2012, applications for new licenses will be more costly and take longer due to additional requirements in this Act.