Bon Cap, Best Organic Wine Award

Tuesday, 22 September, 2009
Bon Cap Organic Wines
The 13th annual Michelangelo International Wine Awards (MIWA) were held on Saturday, 12 September 2009 to merit some of the top producers for wines and varietals conductive to both local and international markets.
Bon Cap, although not a regular supporter of such competitions due to wine volume limitations and thus the inevitable disappointment to eager importers wanting their share after receiving such an award, wanted to test the response and appreciation the judges may, or may not, have for our The Ruins Chardonnay/Verdelho/Viognier 2008 blend. Having already made the short list for the John Platter Guide to South African Wines' Superquaffer award (to be announced November 2009) we were holding our thumbs for a positive response from an international panel of judges.

Our hopes were far exceeded - this single entry was so indisputably well received that it was awarded the Michelangelo Organic Trophy for the best organic wine entered. MIWA founder and director, Lorraine Immelman-Steyn has described this trophy as one close to her heart for the reason being that this wine proves that organically made wines do not have to stand back for any other wines out there. These wines, are randomly placed in the correct category and judged amongst the other wines - meaning, it is not judged as an organic wine but as an amazing wine overall.

On an international level The New York Times feature on the Cabernet Sauvignon's of South Africa, Bon Cap was commended as the Best Value Cabernet on the list of 25 star rated wines and the only Cabernet credited outside the Stellenbosch wine region. Bon Cap also received recognition and the Organic Wine Award by Britain's second best selling magazine Good Housekeeping for our Bon Cap Syrah 2005. Locally The Ruins Chardonnay Viognier 2008 received Wine Magazine's Best Value Wine award.

Proof is in the pudding as they say and with this list of merits, Bon Cap can only look forward to the wines development forward.

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