2024 DtC benchmarking underway

Wednesday, 14 August, 2024
Peter McAtamney
DtC is one of the most important sources of profitable sales for South African wineries. Find out more about what the keys to success are and how you and your team rank by taking our annual benchmarking survey.

This is now the 12th year that Wine Business Solutions has been running this direct-to-consumer (DtC) research. This year, the survey's focus is on what tools are best for growing your wine sales.

Are AI, marketing automation, CRM and digital marketing etc. having an impact?

Click HERE to start the survey

As always, you will need your business’s total sales volume and value figures as well as DtC sales broken down by cellar door, wine club, online, database, events, and any restaurant wine sales. It will only take around 20 minutes to complete.

Any questions contact peter@winebusinesssolutions.com.au.