Sustainable wine farming with friends | #wineforgood

Friday, 12 April, 2024
Vineyard Friends
Vineyard Friends shares how the four animals on their labels bring your favourite wines to life.

Vineyard Friends is a wine range that connects the consumer with the natural wildlife and sustainable practices that underpin its winemaking principles. The range includes four wines and it is vegan-friendly and 100% GMO-free.

Heroed in its name and design, Vineyard Friends is dedicated to the unique animals of the Cape Winelands that make the precious vineyards their home: the Cape grey mongoose, the grey duiker, the bat-eared fox, and the grey heron.

These four animals are displayed on the labels of our wines and they serve a much greater purpose than simply looking cute.

In the vineyards, these animals do a great deal of work, helping us in more ways than they could know. Each animal plays an integral role in the lifecycle of the vineyard, from maintaining soil health to removing pests. This not only ensures a healthy harvest but limits the need for pesticides.

Our purpose at Vineyard Friends is to create wines that leave as minimal an impact as possible on the habitats of our spectacular indigenous wildlife that has been our inspiration and motivation to farm and produce sustainably. We’d like to tell you a little bit more about the four Vineyard Friends on our labels, and explain the crucial role that they play in bringing your favourite wines to life.

The Cape grey mongoose

The bushy-tailed Cape grey mongoose inspired our Chenin Blanc – a wine that is as dynamic and big on attitude as the playful mongoose.

These cheeky critters have a very important role to play in the vineyards, as they burrow in the vineyard to look for insects to eat. While doing so, they act as pest control, and enrich the soil, with their burrowing mixing through compost and loosening the soil.

The grey duiker

The grey duiker graces the label of our superb Sauvignon Blanc. This wine has a zesty character and bright, fresh finish. This zest and brightness reminds us of these small African antelope, who are a delight to watch as they prance and play in their habitat.

In the vineyards, Grey Duikers are vital team members - using their little hooves to dig around, searching for insects to munch on. In this process, they mix through the soil, integrating compost and thus enriching the soil, naturally.

The bat-eared fox

You’ll see this sweet forager on the label of our Bat-Eared Fox Pinotage – a remarkable wine with dark juicy fruits and hints of vanilla and chocolate. But – did you know that this animal, in many ways, helped to make this wine?

The bat-eared fox serves a critical purpose in the vineyards by foraging for insects that are harmful to the grape vines. In this way, the bat-eared Fox is a winemaker’s ally – serving as an environmentally-friendly form of pest control.

The grey heron

The austere grey heron inspired our Merlot-Malbec blend – a wine as elegant and beautifully structured as its namesake.

This long-legged, water-wading bird is an exceptional hunter, and in the vineyards, protects the vines from insects and other pests. This natural form of pest control offers a win-win scenario to both the vines, and the grey heron.

Each one of these four special animals are vital to the vineyards. So, when you next pour yourself a glass of delicious Vineyard Friends wine, be sure to raise a toast to their hard work – and to yourself, for choosing an ethically and sustainably-produced wine that strives to protect these animals and their homes.

Click HERE to shop Vineyard Friends wines.


There are plenty of good news stories from the South African Winelands. The #wineforgood campaign, launched by in June 2016, is all about sharing these positive and uplifting stories. We dedicate the month of April to our #wineforgood campaign each year, sharing a good news story every day. Join us in spreading the good news about South African wine. If you'd like to submit a story, please email

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Cape grey mongoose
Cape grey mongoose

Grey duiker
Grey duiker

Bat-eared fox
Bat-eared fox

Grey heron
Grey heron

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