Pebbles Project celebrating 20 years of changing lives: Nowhen's story

Tuesday, 30 April, 2024
Pebbles Project
As part of our #wineforgood month, we're joining Pebbles Project in their 20th birthday celebrations by sharing their stories. Today we tell Nowhen's story.

Pebbles Project is a non-profit organisation in Stellenbosch that enriches the lives of disadvantaged farm children and families through education. Operating throughout the Western Cape, we've been changing lives for 20 years. This #wineforgood month, we're sharing the stories of beneficiaries who we have supported from infancy right through to adolescence. Today, they're self-sufficient and confident young adults who are ready to take on the world! We share Nowhen's story:

21-year-old Nowhen Piedt grew up on Villiera Wine Farm in Stellenbosch. He is the youngest of four children, he has two older sisters and one older brother. As a baby, Nowhen attended the Early Childhood Development (ECD) centre at Villiera.

Nowhen’s aunt who is also the ECD Practitioner at the Villiera ECD centre helped raise Nowhen and his siblings. Nowhen says: "Our parents were absent for the majority of our childhood. She took us in and raised us as her own."

When Nowhen started primary school, he attended the Pebbles Project After-School Club on Villiera farm where he enjoyed taking part in rope skipping which is offered by Pebbles as an extracurricular activity.

Nowhen didn’t always know what he wanted to be when he grew up. "As a young boy, I was extremely shy. It was only when I turned 12 that I became interested in sport, especially soccer. That’s when it first crossed my mind that I would like to pursue a career in sport," says Nowhen. Unfortunately, Nowhen suffered a knee injury and had to undergo surgery. Two metal screws were inserted into his knee. Nowhen says: "My injury impacted my love for soccer. I still enjoy playing soccer with the children on the farm, but I see it more as a hobby now."

After Nowhen finished high school, he enrolled in the Pebbles Project Early Adulthood Programme (EAP) which aims to support young adults from farming communities to enroll in further education or training opportunities and to gain important life and practical skills to enable them to secure gainful employment to ultimately become responsible members of society.

The EAP manager informed Nowhen of an opportunity to complete a one-year Generic Management Certificate through Dyna Training. A prerequisite of the training is to complete a full-time practical internship. Nowhen was offered a one-year practical internship at Pebbles to assist with administrative duties at the operations office while he completes his studies.

Nowhen says: "I really enjoyed working in the operations office at Pebbles. It gave me a new perspective on the work that Pebbles does." Nowhen’s internship at Pebbles instilled confidence in him and taught him how to work as part of a team. Nowhen says that there are a number of staff members at Pebbles who have had a lasting impact on him and have contributed into shaping him into the man that he is today…

Nowhen has completed his one-year Generic Management Certificate and is currently awaiting his results. The entire team at Pebbles have confidence that Nowhen will succeed in anything he puts his mind to.

It is inspiring to everyone at Pebbles to see how much Nowhen has grown: A once shy young boy has grown into a confident young man who is determined to take on the world.

"My dream is to combine my passion for sport and management and to work as a manager at a sports club," says Nowhen.

Nowhen is proud to inspire children on his farm to finish high school and to pursue their dreams: "I feel like I have this newfound responsibility, like I can’t let them down, because I know they look up to me and that they see me as an older brother."

"Pebbles means everything to me, because they’ve literally helped me through every phase of my life, ever since I was a baby until now and they’re still helping me," concludes Nowhen.


There are plenty of good news stories from the South African Winelands. The #wineforgood campaign, launched by in June 2016, is all about sharing these positive and uplifting stories. We dedicate the month of April to our #wineforgood campaign each year, sharing a good news story every day. Join us in spreading the good news about South African wine. If you'd like to submit a story, please email

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Nowhen Piedt. Photo: Anna Lusty
Nowhen Piedt. Photo: Anna Lusty

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