Monday, 14 February, 2022
Klein Roosboom and Groote Post set the mood in November last year when the great "battle of the viticulturists" started with a showdown between Nicol de Villiers and Jannie de Klerk. They both looked harvest-ready with the muscle to prove it and now we want to see more of the sexy and fun side of the wine harvest.
Klein Roosboom's Nicol de Villiers (left) & Groote Post's Jannie de Klerk (right)
So, we've started the #crushfunnies harvest competition, where harvest teams give us a laugh and we give you a chance to win prizes to the value of R14 000.
How to participate:
Take a photo or video while harvesting. Get creative and have fun.
Share your photo on social media using #crushfunnies and tag You are also welcome to email any photos or videos to
We will be sharing your #crushfunnies content on our social media and the photo or video most liked by our followers will be announced as the winner on 31 March 2022.
We can't wait to see what you have to share!