Fungal diseases drive up wine grape production costs

Wednesday, 26 January, 2022
Farmer's weekly, Glenneis Kriel
Although exact figures have not been released, this season’s wine grape harvest is expected to be above the five-year average, but lower than last season, according to Vinpro.

The 2021/22 wine grape season will go down as a good, but expensive, season, according to Conrad Schutte, Vinpro’s consultation service manager.

Speaking at the recent Nedbank Vinpro annual information day, he said production was expected to be lower than last season’s almost 1,46 million tons, but higher than the industry’s five-year average of about 1,34 million tons.

The industry had made a decision not to make the exact figures of this season’s crop estimate publicly available until May.

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Fungal diseases drive up wine grape production costs
Fungal diseases drive up wine grape production costs

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