Excitement is running high on Groote Post Vineyards as we prepare for the harvest. Both our winemaker Lukas Wentzel and our viticulturist Jannie de Clerk agree that this year's harvest looks extremely promising and are incredibly optimistic about the quality of this year’s crop.
“We had a really good winter and late summer rain, stimulating the growth of the grapes, which is essential for a favourable crop,” says Jannie. “Cold winter temperatures, in May particularly, allowed the vines to rest which has an important influence on grapevine flowering and vegetative growth in springtime. Cooler summer conditions, most notably in December, resulted in later budding and a delayed harvest.”
Lukas continues, “This longer, slower ripening period of the grapes allows for even ripening and better aroma, fruit and flavour development. We expect greater complexity and elegance, riper tannins, and a favourable acid/sugar balance. I am especially excited about this year’s Sauvignon Blanc as the conditions to date are perfect for healthy, top-quality grapes. With a bit of luck, we will not experience any extreme heat waves in the months to come.”
Owner Nick Pentz shares in the excitement and says: “At the start of the harvest one is once again reminded of the incredible harvesting conditions we have in South Africa. I look forward to an extraordinary harvest and a stellar 2022 vintage.”