Wine: New and old vs emerging and established

Sunday, 12 December, 2021, David Bradley
For decades, the primary division in the world of wine was between the "Old World" of European wines and the "New World" of North America, Australia, South Africa, and elsewhere.

There is a need to update this for the modern age where emerging nations are creating products to compete in the global market with the old vanguard. Indeed, work published in the International Journal of Economics and Business Research, suggests that we should have a new division, not between old and new but between "developed" and "emerging" so that we can describe, analyze, and define wines with a 21st-century perspective rather than one borne of the colonial thinking of history.

Emiliano Villanueva of Eastern Connecticut State University in Willimantic, Connecticut, U.S., and Gustavo Ferro of the Universidad del CEMA in Buenos Aires, Argentina, points out that for much of the past two millennia, wine was a European product. European imperial expansionism took the grape to the far corners of the globe, planting vines, and making vintners across the so-called new world. By 2006, production from the three original large-scale wine-making nations, France, Italy, and Spain, finally fell below 50 percent of the world market.

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