Experts’ view on what the future holds

Tuesday, 15 April, 2014
Edo Heyns, WineLand
“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” – John F. Kennedy

As both a long-term and fashionable product, wine paradoxically requires the ability to plan in advance, with a crop that has an average lifespan of more than 20 years, as well as nimble adaptability to keep up with fast changing global market trends and preferences.

At the 2014 Adams & Adams WineLand Seminar, to be held on 6 June, experts will give their views on the future of the South African wine industry and in some instances stick their necks out with predictions on how the landscape might change, from vine to glass.

The seminar is meant to inspire winemakers, viticulturists, marketers, managers and passionate consumers by taking the long view and making decisions based on long-term sustainability and growth in an increasingly competitive global industry.

A diverse group of respected industry experts will discuss different aspects of the South African wine industry in 2020 – including viticulture, consumer purchasing factors, marketing, social media and intellectual property.






Old soils, new ideas – forward thinking viticulture

Rosa Kruger (vineyard manager) and Erhard Wolf (Distell)


Wine Industry 2020: profitable investment or bottomless spittoon

Rico Basson (VinPro)


Protecting brands in growing markets: from Asia to Africa

Suzaan Laing (Adams & Adams)




From trading to branding: a savvy and specific approach to marketing

Siobhan Thompson (Wosa)


The new generation of wine drinkers: generation Y

Marie-Luce Kuhn (IBIS)


Old World, New World, Social World:building tomorrow’s wine relationships, today

Linda Harding (The Squashed Tomato)




The road ahead – a super-highway or a country road

This session includes a tasting of international wines

Michael Fridjhon (wine critic and columnist)



The Adams & Adams WineLand Seminar will take place at Kleine Marie on the R44, outside Stellenbosch. Tickets cost R450, including lunch and a tasting of local and foreign wines presented by industry expert, Michael Fridjhon. Bookings can be made on or by contacting the WineLand office on 021 863 4524. Seats are limited and tickets annually sell out well before the event.