National Wine Challenge / Top 100 SA Wine results 2024

Tuesday, 28 May, 2024
The first set of 2024 key results, brought to you by the NWC.

The National Wine Challenge, SA’s premier wine competition, open only to fine-wine producers, launches the maiden 2024 results. A strong line up again made for a tense and exciting challenge. Organisers, stakeholders and judges were pleased both with wine quality and diversity. Given the generally high wine quality and sophisticated diversity, implied that wines faced substantial challenges in order to gain potential recognition and awards. This fight is never an easy one. Wine lovers are assured to find real treats amongst the winning wine line up, which makes them prizes well-worth seeking out.

Vineyards of course will celebrate their successes and prestigious awards, which will help to assist and endorse their own promotion and sales programmes. Positioning their fine wines throughout 2024, well ahead of the pack.

Information will be provided on Special Awards (Consistency, Grand Cru Best In Class, as well as White, Red, Bubbly and Fortified/Sweet Wines of The Year) on Tuesday 4 June followed by Double Gold winners on Tuesday 11 June.

Summary of results - per category

White wines

White wines scored a grand total of 31 podium wins, 4 more than in 2023, so the overall result is consistent, but positively higher.  Chardonnay gained 15 awards, absolutely dominating the results that are usually lead by either Chenin Blanc or Sauvignon Blanc.  Chenin managed 6 wins which matched its performance in 2023.   White Blends matched this performance gaining an equal 6 winning wines. Sauvignon Blanc underperformed relative to its history with a total of 2 wins.  Judges commenting on what proved to be a weak line up, for the first time. Verdelho and Semillon each cracked a single award.

Overall, the regions that produced most winning wines included Elgin with a total of 8 awarded wines, then Paarl and Worcester tying with 5 awarded wines. Stellenbosch managed a total of 4 wins, Constantia gained 3 wins and Robertson and Franschhoek 2 each. Klapmuts and Calitzdorp gained a single award each.

The ‘Top 10’ highest scoring white wines overall, were 4 wins for Chardonnay and 2 for Other White Blends. Chenin Blanc gained 2 wins while Sauvignon Blanc and Semillon each gained 1 win.

Regionally, for the ‘Top 10’ winning white wines, Constantia gained 3 winning wines. Elgin and Worcester both gained 2 wins. With Franschhoek, Stellenbosch and Paarl each gaining a single win.

Red wines

The red wine category again did very well indeed this year. A total of 58 winning wines found favour with judges and gained Top 100 podium positions.  Shiraz took line honours for the second year running, this time increasing its total to 16 wins.  Bordeaux Blends gained 11 wins, against 10 last year.  Other Red Blends did very well, gaining 7 awards. Cabernet Sauvignon followed with 6 wins leading Merlot which managed a total of 5 wins.  Pinotage and Cabernet Franc each managed to win 3 awards. Pinot Noir, Malbec and Rhone Blends were all credited with 2 awards. Cape Blends managed a solitary award.               
Overall, Stellenbosch region dominated with 14 wins. Paarl followed with a total of 9 wins. Robertson and Worcester shared third place with 6 awards each. Constantia, Elgin, Franschhoek and Tulbagh shared 4th place with 4 wins each. Kleinrivier managed 3 awards wins with Cape South Coast achieving 2 wins and Calitzdorp and Klapmuts receiving single awards each.

The top 11 red wines included a strong showing from Other Red Blends with 3 wins, followed by Merlot and Cabernet Franc each with 2 wins. Single wins went to a Bordeaux Blend, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir and to a Shiraz. 

Regionally, for the top 11 red wines, Constantia, Stellenbosch, and Worcester each gained 2 wins.  Single wins were recorded by Elgin, Paarl, Cape South Coast, Robertson, and Tulbagh.

Rosé wines

No rosé still wines gained awards in 2024.

MCC and sparkling wines

2024 proved to be another successful year for MCC, achieving a total of 8 awards. Two rosé Brut bubblies gained a win.  Blanc de Blanc and Brut blanc’s managed two wins each. Robertson region excelled with 6 wins, while Stellenbosch and Worcester managed a single award each.

Natural sweet wines

This category struggled for the first time this year, managing a solitary win from a very fine Elgin example. 

Fortified wines

The fortified category enjoyed an exceptional innings in 2024 with 5 wines granted awards. Worcester gained 3 wins while Robertson managed 2 wins.

Port style wines

There were three thoroughly fine ports that cracked the judges nods in this category, two vintage reserves as well as a tawny. All were from the Calitzdorp region.

Vintages - white wines

Vintage 2023 enjoyed 16 winning wines while vintage 2022 gained 11 winning wines. 2021 had 3 winning wines and vintage 2020 a single win.        

Vintages - red wines

Vintage 2021 gained 23 wins, vintage 2022 gained 18 awards and vintage 2020 enjoyed 12 wins. Vintage 2019 gained 3 awards, while vintage 2017 and vintage 2023 scored a single award each.

Vintages - MCC wines

5 Vintages were awarded. Vintage 2017 and vintage 2018 gained 2 awards each while a single award went to vintage 2013. Non-Vintage bubblies gained 3 wins matching last year’s performance.

Scores and top wine quality

The winning wines, those that achieved Double Platinum/Top 100 status awards in the 2024 Top 100 results, earned scores of between 91/100 and 95/100. This was, once again, marginally lower than the score bands in the 2022 and 2023 NWC events and also slightly lower than the average of the proceeding two years. Most of the winning wines gained scores between the bands of 91/100 to 93/100, with results spread fairly evenly. To be expected, a smaller number of wines gained 94/100 and 95/100.

The 2024 set of results reinforces the view that narrow bands of smaller incremental improvements are currently being found across wine styles, cultivars and regions throughout the Western Cape. Given the substantial improvements made over the past decade, this may be an expected consequence. Fine wine generally is at a more elevated status than in the previous decade.

SA fine wine remains well-recognised after years of strong performance. It yields an enticing array of smart examples across most cultivars and blends, sometimes at very attractive prices. 

Highest 15 scores for white wines including MCC, sweet and rosé

  • Two Elgin Chardonnays
  • Two Stellenbosch MCCs
  • Two Worcester White Fortified
  • One Worcester Chardonnay
  • One Constantia Chardonnay
  • One Worcester Chenin Blanc
  • One Stellenbosch Chenin Blanc
  • One Worcester MCC
  • One Constantia Other White Blend
  • One Paarl Other White Blend
  • One Franschhoek Semillon
  • One Constantia Sauvignon Blanc

Highest 12 scores for red wines including fortified and port

  • Two Worcester Red Blends
  • One Constantia Bordeaux Blend
    One Stellenbosch Cabernet Sauvignon
  • One Worcester Red Fortfied
  • One Constantia Merlot
  • One Robertson Merlot
  • One Stellenbosch Red Blend
  • One Paarl Cabernet Franc
  • One Cape South Coast Cabernet Franc
  • One Elgin Pinot Noir
  • One Tulbagh Shiraz

Statistics and ratio of entries to wins

Red wines accounted for 50% of total entries, again, a small decrease on 2023. White wines represented 34% of total entries, a small increase on last year.  Rosé wines accounted for just 1% of all wines entered; a significant drop.  MCC increased again to total 8% of all entries. The sweet/fortified/port category grew slightly to achieve 6% of all wines entered in 2024.
Firstly, we look at the percentage of winners by category, against all  wines entered: Just over 10% of the high quality red wine entries in 2024 gained Top 100 status this year which represents a small increase. White wine Top 100 winners enjoyed a higher winning ratio than in 2023, achieving a success ration close to 5.5%. 1.4% of MCCs entered enjoyed winning Top 100 status which is an identical performance to 2023. 1.6% of the categories of Sweet, Fortified and Port wines were awarded Top 100 status, a solid increase on 2023.

Secondly, we looked at the Top 100 winning wines by cultivar or blend. These are expressed as a percentage of total entries for that cultivar or blend, from highest to lowest performing:  
29% for Bordeaux Red Blends, 27.5% for Shiraz, 27% for Other White Blends, 25% for Chardonnay, 23% for Other Red Cultivars, 21% for Merlot, 20.5% for Other Red Blends, 17% for Cabernet Sauvignon, 14% for Pinot Noir, then 12.5% both for Red Rhone Blends and for Other White Cultivars, 11% for Chenin Blanc, followed by 9% for Pinotage, 7% for Cape Blends and just 4.5% for Sauvignon Blanc.
In summary, it was Bordeaux Red Blends, Shiraz, Other White Blends and Chardonnay that enjoyed the highest ratio of successes to wines entered. While Chenin Blanc, Pinotage, Cape Blends and Sauvignon had the lowest ration of winning wines from the total of wines entered.

Robin von Holdt reviews the 2024 National Wine Challenge (NWC), now in its 14th successful year

We are delighted to again present an excellent set of results for the 2024 NWC. It is celebration time both for winners as well as for consumers. These are fantastic wines! We too are thrilled that this leading wine event is now in its 14th successful year and the first in the calender to release key wine- performance results.  Our gratitude and thanks first and foremost to so many of SA’s leading and emerging vineyards who offered their positive and strong support. The rewards of working with the talented individuals and teams who are at the forefront of our brilliant local wine industry, is tremendously uplifting.

Wineries compete for the acclaimed array of prestigious awards. The professional NWC team is recognised for applying an internationally rated approach and standard to support and promote SA fine-wine through the National Wine Challenge. Public appreciation of the top-level performances achieved by winners,  provides independent credibility together with enhanced sales. Advantageous commercial gains and brand enhancement opportunities are well entrenched.  As is the positive industry recognition, acknowledgement and support for what the NWC delivers. Winning results directly influence decisions around listings, enhanced shelf space and crucially, additional sales.

On the global platform critics and commentators maintain strong support for SA fine-wine whose quality is now a well fought-for given. There are a number of positive facts of  which to be proud: Vineyard practices that include more accurate planting, better clonal selection, canopy management, sustainable viticulture and harvesting skills, are all much improved. Better cellar protocol means hygiene factors, sensitive pressing and extraction, smaller tanks to tie in with vineyard selections, better barrel selection and much more all add to positive differences. Altogether the resultant fine wines have a more influential tailwind via these numerous fine-tuning upgrades. At their best, top winning wines offer a harmonious balance of elegance, structure and complexity. These are the attributes of great wines. Our best wines do justice to these.

Tough economic times continue in much of what comes across as a very stressed world right now.  This is mirrored in SA today. The SA wine industries remains enthusiastically committed to making better wines and doing so with hard work and exceptionally long hours. Our wine industry culture is humorously resilient, a feature of "how we do things".

In 2024 it is true to now say out local fine wines can be talked up. They are indeed really very good. The 2024 Top 100 portfolio of winning wines even more so. They deserve your full support and places on your table and in your cellar too. Every last one of them is going to offer immense enjoyment!

The strong set of 2024 results showcase a diverse portfolio of fine SA wines. It is very difficult to win a Top 100 podium award. This is the toughest nut to crack, as winemakers attest. New vineyards and new wines again entered into the 2024 NWC for the first time. Altogether it is just that much harder to achieve the recognition that this very special award commands.

The performance of the panels, the quality of judges and the rigorous disciplines and protocols behind it all, underpinned by the independent audit, sets the professional standard.

We offer our grateful thanks to all of our numerous supporters. Special congratulations of course go to all 2024 winners.

Double Platinum / Top 100 winners 2024

The following vineyards were major winners in the 2024 National Wine Challenge /Top 100:

Alvi's Drift Private Cellar (10)
Van Loveren Family Vineyards (7)
Groot Constantia (6)
Fairview Wines (5)

Paul Cluver Wines  (5)
Graham Beck (4)
Saronsberg Cellars (4)
Villiera Wines (4)
Boplaas Landgoed (3)
De Wet Cellar (3)
Jordan Wine Estate (3)
Koelenhof Winery (3)

Perdeberg Wines (3)
RAKA (3)
Ridgeback Wines (3)

Rietvallei Wine Estate (3)

Fourteen vineyards gained 2 victories each.
Seven vineyards gained 1 victory each.

A full list of the winning wines is available at the end of the press release. 

Winners share their comments


Joris van Almenkerk, cellarmaster: “Our single vineyard Merlot has been one of our stalwart cultivars since it was first released in 2013. Building on the strengths from previous years, this 2022 vintage was a combination of meticulous canopy management and judicious winemaking. Congratulations to our Almenkerk Team.”

Constantia Uitsig

Estian de Wet, winemaker: “We are very proud and honored that our Sauvignon Blanc won the Grand Cru – Best in Class, as well as Top 100 & Double Platinum in this year’s NWC Challenge! To add to our great news, the Estate Red also won the Double Gold award! We couldn’t be happier with results.” 

De Krans

Christoff de Wet, winemaker: “We are so proud to receive the Double Platinum and Top 100 award for both the De Krans Tritonia Verdelho 2022 and the De Krans Tawny Limited Release! This Tawny port is full of decadent flavours like caramel, apricot, plum raisin, pecan nuts and walnuts – all knit harmoniously together. Our wine and port style wines makes every meal an occasion, every table more elegant and every day more civilized.”

De Wet Cellar

Tertius Jonck, winemaker: “We are delighted that our exquisite White Muscadel and Hanepoot has been awarded a Double Platinum medal and included in the Top 100 Wines. This prestigious recognition is a testament to the diversity and quality of our wines.

At De Wet Cellar, we strive to showcase the unique terroirs in our portfolio. Additionally, we take pride in offering a selection of exceptional fortified wines.”


Francois Theunissen, general manager: “We are immensely proud and honoured for the recognition received for Dornier’s wines this year. This consistent commendation serves as testimony to Dornier’s devoted pursuit of quality wine production. We congratulate and thank the teams in the vineyards and the cellar for their unwavering commitments throughout the year.”


David Finlayson, proprietor: “I am very proud that the GS Cabernet Sauvignon 2021 has once again proven itself as one of SA’s best wines in such an esteemed competition. This is a breakthrough moment for the David Finlayson Chardonnay to win double platinum in SA Top 100!” 

Annette Van Zyl + Anthony De Jager, winemakers: “Primo Pinotage 2022 (Best in Category), lovely to see this single vineyard off our own property doing well here, and the best in category is a first for Primo and a great honour.

FV Extrano 2021
Once again, this blend has been recognised by the judges, as an unusual varietal mix for SA, which makes its recognitions all the more special. We think Tempranillo is a wonderful grape variety and blender for South African condition.

Beryl Back 2023
Our flagship honoring Charles’ later mother Beryl Back, this white blend is a labour of love, showcasing the best our Paarl vineyards. A lot of work and attention to detail goes into the making of this wine, so it is great to be recognised here.

Eenzaamheid Shiraz 2021
What a vintage!! We have been making beautiful wine from this vineyard since 2000. Our gratitude to growers Christo and Janno Briers Louw from the farm Eenzaamheid in Agter-Paarl.

FV Shiraz 2021
Again, from the 2021 vintage. This is so cool to get TOP 100, for the good value for money, every day, solid Fairview Shiraz 2021. Deep and dark fruit driven Paarl fruit blended with cool climate spicey Darling grown fruit.”

Groot Constantia

Jean Naude, CEO: "The awards we have received are a testament to the immense effort and dedication that our production teams have consistently demonstrated over the years. This achievement is not an isolated event but follows a history of excellent results in various other competitions. These accolades honour Groot Constantia's rich heritage and unique terroir, reflecting the same high standards and excellence upheld for centuries.

Our consistent success is deeply rooted in the vision of our founder, who aptly named this farm 'CONSTANTIA' to signify enduring quality and perseverance. Each award we receive is a compliment to our hard work and a continuation of a legacy that dates back to the origins of Groot Constantia. We are proud to maintain the exceptional standards that have been synonymous with Groot Constantia for generations.

In celebrating these achievements, we honour the wishes and foresight of our founder, Simon van der Stel, proving that the spirit of excellence he envisioned remains alive and thriving. Groot Constantia's continued recognition in the industry underscores our unwavering commitment to preserving and enhancing the legacy of our historic estate, a commitment we share with you."

Daniel Keulder, winemaker: "We are overjoyed at Groot Constantia to be awarded six wines in the National Wine Challenge Top 100 wines. These awards again confirm the incredible quality of Groot Constantia's wines across various varietals. We celebrate the success and efforts of our whole team in achieving these awards."

Floricius Beukes, estate manager and viticulturist: "We are profoundly grateful for these accolades, which stand as a testament to the dedication and hard work of your entire team over the past 12 months. Groot Constantia’s commitment to excellence has truly shone through in every endeavor. To our team: Thank you for your unwavering efforts and remarkable achievements."

Holden Manz

Annamarie Fourie, winemaker: “Semillion 2021, the 2021 harvest was approx. 2 weeks later than normal due to cooler weather throughout the season, which persisted through harvest time and expressed itself with vines of higher acidity.

A 25-year-old patch of Franschhoek-grown grapes within sight of Holden Manz produced a yield of around 6 tons per hectare. The wine was stirred on fine lees for 11 months before bottling. Limited production of 1,087 bottles produced.

Cabernet Sauvignon 2021, this is an Estate wine. These grapes were picked from site-specific parcels on the Estate with varying soil types. This complexity in growing has resulted in a wonderful intricacy in the wine. Grapes were picked at optimal ripeness to enable the correct balance between sugar and phenolic components. Individual batches were bunch and berry sorted and allowed to start fermentation naturally after 10 days of cold soaking.”


Louis van der Riet, winemaker: “We are super excited to be awarded with two Top 100 wines and even more so to receive Crand Cru best in Class for our Mount Cuvée Cape Blend as this is our first time entering our wines into the Top 100 wines competition.  A true honour to receive these accolades and confirmation of what we have set out to do is going in the right direction.”

Jordan Wine Estate

Jordan Black Magic Merlot 2022
Jordan The Prospector Syrah 2022
Jordan Chardonnay Barrel Fermented 2023

Sjaak Nelson, winemaker: “We are very proud of our team’s outstanding performance, both in the cellar and in the vineyards. Receiving Top 100 and Double Platinum for three of our wines this year, shows the high quality that we are consistently achieving at Jordan Wine Estate. This success is due to the attention to detail in the cellar, as well as the unique situation of the vineyards on Jordan Wine Estate. Our cellar and vineyard team celebrate this recognition and know that all their hard work has, once again, paid off.”

Ken Forrester Wines

The Gypsy

Ken Forrester, proprietor: "Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote, 'All men have stars, but they are not the same things for different people. For some, who are travellers, the stars are guides.'

Winemakers, the trade and consumers all perceive awards differently, but I sincerely hope that some are guided towards tasting one (or a selection) of award-winning wine."

Koelenhof Winery

Nicholas Husselman, head winemaker: “We are grateful for receiving 3 Double Platinum awards in two different wine ranges. This recognises our quality of wine that we put in under our labels. Congratulations to all involved.”

La Motte

Edmund Terblanche, cellarmaster: “La Motte Syrah is close to our hearts. It celebrates La Motte’s terroir as it is made exclusively from grapes grown on the estate, while its elegant style also acknowledges our French winemaking heritage. We are both humbled and excited by this exceptional recognition for the 2020 vintage.”

Neethlingshof Estate

Mika Engelbrecht, winemaker: "I’m beyond thrilled to see our hard work and passion celebrated with such esteemed recognition. Having our wines honoured in the Top 100, with Neethlingshof The Caracal 2021 earning Double Platinum, showcases not just the exceptional quality of our wines, but also the dedication and enthusiasm of our amazing team. A heartfelt thank you for the acknowledgment, and congratulations to all the other deserving winners!"

Nuy Winery

Christo Basson, cellarmaster: “The winemaking team is thrilled to have our Mastery Shiraz 2022 in the Top 100 and three double silvers for our Chenin Blanc 2024, Sauvignon Blanc 2024, and Sparkling Sauvignon Blanc 2024. Accolades like these confirm we are on the right track to make wines that appeal to consumers.”

Paul Wallace

Bobby Wallace, winemaker: “We are thrilled to have been awarded Top 100 and Double Platinum for these two wines.  One a Burgundian varietal, the other a Bordeaux varietal - showcasing the diverse topography of the Paul Wallace Family Farm.  Matching the grape variety to the right site, the understanding built up over the years of how to best manage the vagaries of the respective vineyards and solid vinification practices are justly rewarded in these two cool-climate Elgin wines.  Thank you, National Wine Challenge, for recognising the merits of these two wines.”

Quoin Rock

Schalk Opperman, winemaker: “This is an excellent result for a special wine, each year we’re excited to produce this unique blend to highlight the Simonsberg terroir. The diverse altitudes of each block, ranging from 150m to 500m above sea level in the heart of Stellenbosch is what sets this blend apart.”

Rickety Bridge

Donovan Ackermann, winemaker: “We are very proud and honoured to receive this award for our Foundation Stone White 2023 blend. As a winemaker its always fascinating working with different building blocks, and to see it all come together in a blend is just magic!”

Ridgeback Wines

Toit Wessels, cellarmaster: “The Ridgeback team is immensely proud and grateful to be the recipient of 3 x Double Platinum awards at the prestigious 2024 NWC Top 100 Competition which we consider to be a benchmark of the finest wines in the industry.”

Villiera Wines 

Nathan Valentine, winemaker: “To receive a Double Platinum for the Villiera Monro Brut 2017 for the third year running, is evidence of the consistent quality of this Cap Classique and the team effort that goes into producing this reserve style with extended time on the lees.  We are equally proud of the Double Platinum achievement for The Clan 2019 and our Villiera Barrel Fermented Chenin Blanc 2023. Thank you for this wonderful acknowledgement.”

Alphabetic list of winning Top 100 / Double Platinum awarded SA wines

Allée Bleue Wines Shiraz 2020
Allée Bleue Wines L'Amour Toujours 2019
Almenkerk Wine Estate Almenkerk Merlot 2022
Almenkerk Wine Estate Almenkerk Chardonnay 2022
Alvi's Drift Private Cellar 221 Special Cuvee 2022
Alvi's Drift Private Cellar Albertus Viljoen Chenin Blanc 2022
Alvi's Drift Private Cellar Albertus Viljoen Bismarck 2022
Alvi's Drift Private Cellar Brut Cap Classique NV
Alvi's Drift Private Cellar Albertus Viljoen Chardonnay 2022
Alvi's Drift Private Cellar Reserve Chardonnay 2023
Alvi's Drift Private Cellar Albertus Viljoen Bismarck  2020
Alvi's Drift Private Cellar Reserve CVC 2022
Alvi's Drift Private Cellar Verreaux Pinotage 2022
Alvi's Drift Private Cellar Reserve CVC 2023
Babylonstoren Nebukadnesar 2021
Babylonstoren Chardonnay 2023
Bon Courage Wine Estate Bon Courage Chardonnay Prestige Cuvee 2023
Bon Courage Wine Estate Bon Courage Jacques Bruére Blanc de Blancs 2013
Boplaas Landgoed Boplaas Cape Vintage Reserve 2021
Boplaas Landgoed Boplaas Cape Vintage Reserve 2022
Boplaas Landgoed Boplaas Ring of Rocks 2021
Cape Wine Company Nieuwe Haarlem Pinotage 2022
Cape Wine Company Nieuwe Haarlem Chenin Blanc 2023
Constantia Uitsig Sauvignon Blanc 2022
De Krans Cape Tawny Limited Release NV
De Krans Tritonia Verdelho 2022
De Wet Cellar Red Muscadel 2019
De Wet Cellar Hanepoot 2021
De Wet Cellar White Muscadel 2021
Dornier Wines Dornier Equanimity Cabernet Sauvignon 2020
Dornier Wines Dornier Malbec 2021
Eagle's Cliff Arendskloof Shiraz 2021
Fairview Wines Primo Pinotage 2022
Fairview Wines Fairview Extrano 2021
Fairview Wines Eenzaamheid Shiraz 2021
Fairview Wines Fairview Shiraz 2021
Fairview Wines Beryl Back 2023
Graham Beck Cuvée Clive 2018
Graham Beck Ultra Brut 2017
Graham Beck Brut Rose NV
Graham Beck Blanc de Blancs 2018
Groot Constantia Merlot 2020
Groot Constantia Gouverneurs Reserve 2020
Groot Constantia Gouverneurs Reserve 2022
Groot Constantia Chardonnay 2023
Groot Constantia Shiraz 2021
Groot Constantia Cabernet Sauvignon 2022
Highlands Road Sauvignon Blanc White Reserve 2022
Highlands Road 2020
Holden Manz Semillon 2021
Holden Manz Cabernet Sauvignon 2021
Jakkalsvlei Private Cellar Lord Jackal Cabernet Franc 2022
Jakkalsvlei Private Cellar Jakkalsvlei Mount Cuvee Cape Blend 2022
Jordan Wine Estate Jordan Black Magic Merlot 2022
Jordan Wine Estate Jordan The Prospector Syrah 2022
Jordan Wine Estate Jordan Chardonnay Barrel Fermented 2023
Ken Forrester Wines The FMC 2023
Ken Forrester Wines The Gypsy 2017
Koelenhof Winery Koelenbosch Shiraz 2021
Koelenhof Winery Stellenbosch 1679 The Legacy 2021
Koelenhof Winery Stellenbosch 1679 Cabernet Sauvignon 2021
La Motte Syrah 2020
Landskroon Paul de Villiers Reserve 2021
Lothian of Elgin Chardonnay 2021
Neethlingshof Wines Neethlingshof The Caracal 2021
Nicholson Smith Agencies Guru Merlot 2021
Nicholson Smith Agencies Integer Bordeaux Blend 2020
Nuy Winery Mastery Shiraz 2022
Oak Valley Beneath the Clouds Chardonnay 2022
Paul Clüver Family Wines Paul Clüver Seven Flags Chardonnay 2022
Paul Clüver Family Wines Paul Clüver Seven Flags Pinot Noir 2020
Paul Clüver Family Wines Paul Clüver Village Pinot Noir 2023
Paul Clüver Family Wines Paul Clüver Estate Chardonnay 2021
Paul Clüver Family Wines Paul Clüver Noble Late Harvest 2021
Paul Wallace Reflection Chardonnay 2023
Paul Wallace Black Dog Malbec 2020
Perdeberg Wines The Dry Land Collection Rossouw's Heritage 2022
Perdeberg Wines The Dry Land Collection Barrel Fermented Chenin Blanc 2023
Perdeberg Wines G.O.A.T Chenin Blanc (Old Vine) 2023
Quoin Rock Wines Quoin Rock Simonsberg Blend 2020
Raka Biography Shiraz 2022
Raka Biography Shiraz 2021
Raka Quinary 2021
Rickety Bridge Estate Foundation Stone White 2023
Ridgeback Cabernet Franc 2021
Ridgeback Merlot 2021
Rigdeback The Journey 2020
Rietvallei 1908 Muscadel 2021
Rietvallei Calcrete Chardonnay 2023
Rietvallei JMB Cabernet Franc 2019
Saronsberg Shiraz 2022
Saronsberg Provenance Shiraz 2022
Saronsberg Seismic 2022
Saronsberg Full Circle 2022
Edgebaston David Finlayson Chardonnay 2023
Edgebaston David Finlayson GS 2021
Van Loveren Family Vineyards Van Loveren Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot 2022
Van Loveren Family Vineyards Christiena Trousseau Cabernet Sauvignon 2021
Van Loveren Family Vineyards Zandvliet Kalkveld Shiraz 2020
Van Loveren Family Vineyards Zandvliet Kalkveld Shiraz 2021
Van Loveren Family Vineyards Van Loveren Red Muscadel 2023
Van Loveren Family Vineyards Christiena Trousseau Syrah 2021
Van Loveren Family Vineyards Christiena Trousseau Cap Classique Brut Rosé NV
Villiera Wines Villiera Barrel Fermented Chenin Blanc 2023
Villiera Wines Villiera Monro Brut 2017
Villiera Wines Villiera The Clan 2019 

For further information, please contact